Over Bridge

English Heritage, Over Bridge, Gloucester, GL2 8DB

New County Hotel & Central Hotel Gloucester by Roomsbooked

Both hotels within a 6-8 minute drive or 30-35 minute walk from the bridge

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The bridge was opened in 1830 and was the lowest crossing point for over a hundred years up until the building of the first Severn Suspension Bridge in th 1960s. It replaced the previous Tudor bridge which had been damaged by ice back in 1818. It was desgined by Thomas Telford; the bridge design was inspired by the 18th century bridge across the River Seine at Neuilly.

The bridge has a single-span arch bridge approximately 328 feet (100 metres) long and 30 feet (9 metres) wide. He adopted the ‘cornes de vache’ technique whereby horn shapes are cut out of the sides of the bridge with the aim of reducing the turbulence and increasing the flow of water in times of flood.

Over Bridge is part of the National Cycle Network Route 42 which, when complete, will run from Gloucester through to Chepstow and Abergavenny.