Gloucester Farmers Market

The Cross, Gloucester (Town Centre)

New County Hotel & Central Hotel Gloucester by Roomsbooked

Both hotels within a 1-4 minute walk from the market

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The market offers a whole range of produces from seasonal vegetables, Soft Fruits throughout the summer and Top Fruit in the autumn, 2 local Bakeries, locally reared Meats, Poultry and Game, Goat’s cheeses, Pieminister Pies, Fresh Olives, Preserves, free range Eggs, a great selection of Street Food including Niang’s Thai Snacks, Za’Za Falafel and Marinades Caribbean, plus Plants for the garden.

The market is held every Friday from 9am - 3pm at The Cross, the centre of all the Gates (Northgate, Eastgate, Southgate and Westgate Streets) and is continued down all streets. Every month there is a Prize Raffle stall with prizes donated by the local traders on the 3rd Friday of the month. Anyone who spends a minimum £3.00 at any one stall will be given a raffle ticket.