Cheltenham Leisure Centre
Tommy Taylors Lane, Cheltenham, GL50 4RN
Central Hotel Cheltenham & Serviced Apartments by Roomsbooked
Located a short 15 minute walk or 6 minute drive from the Central Hotel Cheltenham (Main Reception)
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There are various facilites offered at Cheltenham Leisure Centre from swimming pools, a gym, indoor sports and classes.
There are plenty of kids activities available including swimming and diving lessons, Junior Badminton, Gymnastics, Trampolining, Preschool Gymnastics.
The Leisure Centre is also avilable for childrens parties.
It also offers a range of classes for all ranges of abilities. These are carried out across the centre in varies rooms such as the main studio, multi activity room, spin studio, sports hall and pools.
The Prince of Wales Stadium is one of the best sports stadium and is the venue for events such as school sports days to charity runs.
There is a spectators area which can seat 490 people.
It boasts a large 400 meter track with 6 lanes and a 100 meter straight with 8 lanes. You are able to hire hurdles; a steeple hase barrier is also avilable.
Meeting rooms are available for hire. There is also disabled access available.